Granite & Marble services in NYC: Statewide Stone care
When thinking about bathroom floors we must take into consideration many aspects necessary to preserve the most intimate environment of our homes.
It is very important for both residents and visitors that the bathroom offers a lot of comfort, tranquility and quite practicality when using it without difficulties.
When it comes to building or remodeling, we should think of things like color of floors for bathrooms, types of floors, anti-slip floors for bathrooms, whether to use floors or coatings, among other doubts.
There are several types of flooring and bathroom floor coverings.
Ceramics is one of the most sought-after bathroom floors today and one of its great attractions is the price that is always below the market, compared to its competitors.
Advantages: There is a variety of colors, models, sizes and huge finishes.
Disadvantages: Its durability is not very good, so if you are thinking of putting ceramic tiles on commercial or industrial bathroom floors, rethink.
Granite & Marble
Granite and marble are undoubtedly more expensive than any other option
presented here but are beautiful and are given as uniqueness.
Advantages: in addition to the indescribable beauty, there is an immense variety of models and colors to choose from. Another very strong point of granite and marble is that they are very weather resistant.
Disadvantages: If you can or want a work with an almost astronomical course is a great option for you, but the finish is also not a strong point of this material.
Wood Flooring
According to specialists, wood flooring should be avoided in the bathroom because they cannot stand to be wet and wet.
In the end, everything depends even on the taste of the residents, whether you have a large bathroom or a small, does not change much, the important thing is to have a well decorated bathroom.
So, feel free to read all Statewide Stone Care NYC tips and try to adapt according to your taste into the renovation or construction of your bathroom, put it into action.