How to clean natural stone floor

Natural stone floor tips by Statewide Stone care

When it comes to updating a facility’s interior, architects, owners, and others responsible for specifying building materials are increasingly pulling up carpet and synthetic flooring and replacing it with natural stone flooring.

Often forgotten about until the product is installed, however, is how the new flooring will be cared for, and if the upgrade will impact cleaning and maintenance budgets.

Stone floor tiles can lose their sparkle over time, and the grout can discolor. Fortunately, most types of stone are easy to care for and keep clean with some simple maintenance.

Light Natural Stone Floor Clean NYC

How to clean natural stone floor tiles

What you will need:

  1. Bucket
  2. Scrubbing brushes and cloths
  3. Mop
  4. Stone floor care products

Prepare carefully before start

If possible, find out what products were used when the tiles were originally laid. Always test new products on an inconspicuous part of the floor first, such as a dark corner.

Choose the right products

Use a detergent formulated for calciferous. Dilute detergent with water in a ratio of 1:5 and apply generously with a sponge. You can try a stronger solution if very dirty.

Scrub away at ingrained dirt

Allow the product to work for 10-20 minutes, periodically scrubbing badly stained areas. The grouting, being rougher than the stone, is particularly susceptible to ingrained dirt and grease.

Soft Natural Stone Floor Clean NYC

Wipe up residue and rinse

Wipe away the dirty cleaner. Rinse with a mop and a bucket of clean water.

Go over the stone floor tiles with an old towel to reduce drying time. Once dry, check if the tiles need to be resealed by leaving a few drops of water on the surface. If water soaks in, the floor will need an application of sealant.

Natural stone floors are huge investments. When such floors are damaged by improper cleaning, the restoration costs can be very high. Therefore, it is essential to be able to have professionals at your service whenever you need help on how to maintain this unique type of flooring.