Slate types

Slate Services in NYC: Statewide Stone care

Slate is a stone widely used in floors, coatings and even in ready-made pieces. In the following topics, you will be able to observe how the slate should be used in decoration.

Black slate

black-slate NYC

The black slate is an incredibly beautiful stone. It has a special shine, a wonderful texture and leaves the environments with an aspect of elegance and luxury.

It can be used in various parts of your home. The black slate looks beautiful on the floor and walls of the bathroom, for example. Or as flooring throughout the exterior of your home.

It can also be used in the kitchen, on the counter, in the bar, in the dining room. An external gourmet space, for example, looks beautiful made from the use of black slate.

Green Slate

green-garden-slate NYC

In addition to the traditional black, the green slate has won the taste of many people. It escapes from the traditional and brings a more rustic and at the same time a modern touch to the house’s atmosphere.

This option has been widely used to decorate outdoor environments, such as gardens, for example, or balconies, garages and yards.

The main problem that people have with green slate is in the matter of brightness. When it does not look very beautiful, it is best to hire a company with trained professionals to apply chemicals that will help in the visuality of this wonderful stone.


bathroom-slate NYC

The main care with slate has to do with the stains, the colors and the shine of the stone. Some colored spots may appear on your black stone, for example. To eliminate them, there are a number of acids and chemicals that remove these stains.

Another problem is the whitening of parts of the slate. Also ideal is to use chemical products suitable for this type of problem. In both cases, the care needs to be done by trained professionals, as the wrong use of these substances can be very harmful for your stone.

In addition to these cares, there is also several products, such as waxes, varnishes and resins that can be used to brighten the slate.

Statewide Stone Care NYC